Submission Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript should be computer typed in double spacing on one side of A4 size white paper, leaving wide margins on both sides. Prepare and submit the manuscript strictly as per “Guidelines for Authors”. Authors should submit a Plagiarism report along with the manuscript. If t is not possible, authors can request us to arrange it which will be nominally charged.

Manuscript (mss) should be typed in double space in 12 font. Please submit online as per instructions or send to as file attachment clearly mentioning for which journal it is submitted. Page one of the mss should contain title of the paper in CAPITAL LETTERS. Name(s) of the author(s), Name (s) Organization(s) where the work has been carried out and the key words. It is essential to mark corresponding author and provide the corresponding authors email. No designation are allowed. Designations can be given below Ist page as footnote.Text of paper should be divided into – Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Conflict of Interest, References, or suitable headings in reviews and theoretically oriented papers.

The size of the figures should not exceed 40 x 30 cm. They must be capable of withstanding a reduction by 4 times.

All legends should be typed on separate sheet.

In the Text the references should be quoted by name as per sample paper and not by number.

Please use only standard abbreviations.

If any abbreviation is likely to cause confusion the authors can write its full form in the beginning itself.

In research with  Plants, guidelines given by IUCN and other prevailing National and International Laws should be followed.

Topical articles can be accepted only on very important  topics of local or global concern with mostly author’s original ideas which will be useful to the society at large and development of Science and also induce researchers to take further research and may  help planners. The text here can be divided into suitable headings as the author(s)wish but giving Key words, Abstracts and conflict of interest is essential.

Technical Notes, Information on Conferences, New products and services are welcome and are published without any charge.

Manuscript NOT prepared as per these Guidelines for Authors will not be considered

Page 1 should contain the following information:

Title of the manuscript

Short, informative, should not exceed two lines. Numbers and abbreviations should NOT be included.

Author(s) name(s)

The names should be in the order: initials of first and middle names and then surname (family name), eg., S.K. Sharma. Check that all names are spelled correctly.

Author(s) affiliations

Full designation, professional address with postal code and mobile number of corresponding author.

E-mail ID

E-mail ID of Corresponding author only.

Short running title

only of 4 or 5 words.

Page 2 should contain Title of the manuscript, followed by Abstract, and Key words. To facilitate the review process, Name(s) and address (es) of the author(s) should not be given on this and subsequent pages of the text.

Content of Abstract

Content of the abstract should be concise and factual, not exceeding 300-400 words, with no references and abbreviations.

Key words

only 4-5 Key words to serve as subject index.

Page 3 and onward should contain Text proper which should be subdivided into the following main headings

Do not use capital letters for headlines. All botanical / zoological names should be in italics (e.g. Cyanodon dactylon).


Introduction should be subjective, informative & precisely include the aim /objective of the study, and specific with no sub-headings.

Materials and Methods

Materials and Methods should be sufficiently detailed to enable the experiments to be reproduced. The standard techniques and methodology should be adopted and supported with references of standard protocols.


Results may be split into sub-headings. Results should be co-related and discussed. Data emerging from the study should be included, arranged in a unified and coherent sequence, and statistically analyzed with significance. It should deal with interpretations and the conclusions drawn, based on results and supported by relevant references. The same data should not be presented in both tabular and graphic forms.
Please indicate position of figures and tables in the text.


Discussion should be strong and based on the presented results. Latest references should also be cited. Unpublished references should be avoided unless absolutely essential.


Conclusion should be short and no references are to be given here.
The matter from previous sections of the paper should not be repeated here.


Acknowledgments should include the names of those who contributed substantially to the work and the sponsor or the funding agency.

Conflict of interest

Authors are requested to disclose interests that are directly or indirectly related to the work submitted for publication.


References should be cited in the Text by surname of the author(s) and the year of publication e.g., Smith (2016); Harhab and Susilawati (2020). In case of more than two authors, surname of first author followed by et al. and the year of publication should be cited e.g. Gangwane et al. (2018). If two or more manuscripts of one / or of same authors in one year, they should be made distinct by adding a, b or c -- e.g., Sharma (2014 a, b). While giving the names of the periodicals, standard abbreviations should be used. Under the heading of References at the end of the manuscript, full and complete references should be written as per style and punctuation given below arranged alphabetically by first author's surname.

References style

Paper in a Journal

Aberkane, M., ChettibI, F., Bakhouche, B., Draidi, K., Bouslama, Z. and Houhamdi, M. 2013. Breeding ecology of the Marbled Duck Marmaronetta angustirostris at Boussedra march Annaba, Northeast of Algeria. Ann. Biol. Res. 4(10): 103-107.
Utami, D.T., Prayitno, S.B., Hastuti, S. and Santika, A. 2013. Description of haematological parameters in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) which were given DNA Streptococcus iniae vaccine with different doses. Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology. 2 (4): 7-20.


Yaalon, D.H. 1983. Climate, Time and Soil Development. In: L.P. Wilding, N.E. Smeck and G.F. Hall (Eds.). Pedogenesis and Soil Taxonomy I. Elsevier Sci. Publ. B.V., Amsterdam. 115-125.
Opdam, P., R. van Apeldoorn, Schotman, A. and Kalkhoven, J. 1993. Population responses to landscape fragmentation. In: Claire C. Vos & Paul Opdam (ed.). Landscape Ecology of a Stressed Environment. Chapman and Hall, London. Pages 147- 171.

Chapter in a Book

Trivedy, R.K. and Gudekar, V.R. 1985. Water hyacinth in wastewater treatment: A Review of the Progress, p. 263-278. In : Trivedy, R.K. (Edited) Current Pollution Researches in India; Environmental Publications, Karad, M.S., India. Manuscript should be submitted online(Submit paper on our website or through E-mail to:

Submission of Revised Manuscript

After receiving the Reviewer reports and recommendations, the manuscript will be sent back to the corresponding author for revision, if the reviewers recommend the revision. Manuscript should be carefully revised and resubmitted. The revised copy should not be uploaded on the website but should be sent as reply to the mail on which the Review report was sent.

Final Editing , Galley proofs, printing and online availability

Accepted papers shall be processed in the journal’s format and a galley proof PDF shall be sent, authors should return back this proof within stipulated time, a second galley proof PDF shall be sent with DOI number. Authors should ensure that the valid corrections have been incorporated. The editors may still check the manuscript and modify accordingly. Final PDF is then sent to the authors and the issue is made online and printed. No hard copy of the journal is provided to the author. If they wish to have hard copy of the issue, they may write so in advance to the publisher.

Bank Account details

Please contact our official email ids to receive the Bank Account details for making the payments.


Copyright of all the manuscripts published in our Journals belongs to EM International, India.

Submission Checklist

Publication charges for All the three Journals

For Indian Authors

Rs.500.00 per 250 words in the manuscript in 12 fonts. Tables and Figures are charged as per printed area covered by 250 words

For Overseas Authors

US $10.00 per 250 words in the manuscript in 12 font. Tables and Figures are charged as per printed area covered by 250 words.

Retraction of Research

The submitted research papers may be retracted at any stage citing valid reasons but if the final acceptance letter is issued, there will be no refund of publication fees.

Advertisement Policy

The journals do not accept any kind of advertisement paid or free.