Guidelines For The Reviewers
-   1. Please accept the paper for reviewing only of it falls in your area of expertise.
-   2. If you have any conflict of interest, please inform us.
-   3. Kindly go through the paper very thoroughly for the importance of research, assessing that correct methodology has been followed, the results obtained           are reliable and reproducible, the language is correct and presentable, the results are discussed appropriately and new /significant conclusions are drawn.
-   4. Please use only our proforma provided for Review Report.
-   5. Please put your name and signature on Reviewer's Report Proforma.
-   6. Please Ensure that only high-quality Research papers are be recommended for publication.
-   7. Do not hesitate in rejecting the papers which you consider of doubtful results and their interpretations.
-   8. Please ensure that Discussion section should be strong enough to support the results with relevant references, including latest references.
-   9. Please report plagiarism of any form.
- 10. Please stick to the deadline.