About the Journals
Frequency of the Journals
The Journals are published quarterly in the months of March, June, September and December every year. Depending on inflow of the manuscripts additional supplement issues are also published.
Aims and Objectives
The three journals have an objective of publishing original research papers and review articles in frontier research in the most important areas relevant to the modern world- Ecology, Environmental Sciences and Biotechnology. All these journals are very old and well established; all have completed Silver Jubilee and one is approaching towards Golden Jubilee.
Over 20,000 quality research papers and reviews are already published in these journals from almost all parts of the world. Accordingly, to an Independent Report from a National Agency in India most of the papers from India in these fields historically have been published in these three journals (Federation of Indian Chambers in Industries and Commerce, India).
Peer Review Process and Editorial Policies
All the Journals are Peer Reviewed
Initial screening involves checking whether the manuscript is in journal’s scope, plagiarism check, quality for language and scientific contents. If not suitable in these criteria the manuscript is returned back. The website mentions that the authors have to submit a Plagiarism report along with the manuscript. In some cases, where authors are not able to produce it, it is arranged by us on a nominal charge. Authors are also asked to suggest at least two potential reviewers for reviewing their manuscript but are advised not to submit the name of those reviewers with whom they have collaborated in the past. If the authors fail to submit such names the Editors select two reviewers from the pool of experts available with the publishers.
The manuscript is sent to two reviewers (Double blind review process). These are specific guidelines for the reviewers to rigorously check the manuscript for originality, scientific contents, methodology and presentation style. The review reports are sent to the authors for revision of the further checked critically by the Editors and may be accepted/ rejected or sent for still further revision. Chief Editors go through each manuscript and provide their suggestions which are incorporated. The manuscripts are then accepted and a provisional acceptance letter is sent to them for payment of publication charges. Final acceptance letter is issued once the charges are paid. The manuscript is then processed and a galley proof is sent to authors which they are supposed to return in stipulated time. After all corrections are received, Editors check them and send a second galley proof for any leftover corrections. After all authors are satisfied, a final PDF with contents of the issue is sent to the authors. The manuscript is sent for printing and is also uploaded on the website as a free access.
Publication ETHICS
Authors are advised to see that they are not submitting a plagiarized work, duplicate work, fabrication of data and inaccurate and unauthenticated information. Authors are not supposed to submit the same manuscript to two or more different journals, and state any conflict of interest. Authors if so, wish may identify specific contribution of each author. It is presumed that that the research is conducted ethically with utmost sincerity following all National and International legislations. The research should have been conducted after authors have read maximum available literature on the work and have consulted their peers on methodology and approach. It is entirely the responsibility of authors for their work. All data should be checked and rechecked, and presented in a manner befitting to an international journal. Only those who have been involved in Planning and execution of the work should be authors and inclusions of other names to oblige them should be strongly discouraged. Publishers shall not add any name after the manuscript is accepted. No disputes about authorships shall be entertained by the publisher or Editors.
Copyright Policy
Copyright of the research published in these journals is retained by the publisher EM International (Publisher). However authors are free to use the material in any way for a legitimate cause except commercial use.
Copyright and Licensing
All the journals are print journals but free open access is provided as a courtesy. Anyone can download, copy , print and use for any valid purpose without asking publishers permission. However if any matter is quoted from these papers, giving proper reference is essential.
Publication ETHICS
The journals support the code of conduct set out by the committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). At the time of submission authors should clearly state the same manuscript is not submitted to two or more journals. Written informed consent should be taken for each study. The authors should make sure that their writing is of their own, and if they have utilized someone else’s ideas or words, they should make sure that they have quoted or cited them correctly and, if required, acquired permission.
Plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the author’s own work, in whole or in part without proper citation is not accepted by the journals. If detected this manuscript shall be summarily rejected or removed even after publication, while submitting the manuscripts author(s) should certify that this manuscript has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
Research Ethics and Informed Consent Policy
Only the research carried out with full Ethics considering human relations, National and International interests, not violating human rights or the right of the researchers as well as no cruelty to Animals shall be accepted. In studies related to human subjects, full care should be taken of physiological and psychological health of the individuals involved. Written informed consent should be taken for each study participant. The journals authorities may raise concern about any valid issue in the research submitted and the authors must be able to satisfy us in this regard. Authors if they so wish may also disclose source of funding for their Research.
Types of Manuscripts considered in EM International Journals
Original Research Papers
It should be original and Text subdivided into Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods (combined), Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, Conflict of Interest, and References.
Review Articles
Articles: It should be authored by expert of his field with preferably at least 2 references of author (s).
The text here can be divided into suitable heading but giving abstract, keyword and conflict of interest.
All research papers published in EM International Journals are available online immediately after publication of print version. Download PDF of published paper FREE of charge from www.envirobiotechjournals.com
Submission of manuscript to the journal implies that
- It has not been published and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere,
- It does not contain plagiarized and non-ethical contents, and
- It has been approved by all the authors and their institutions.