Ecology, Environment and Conservation is in Additional Index of Web of Science- Zoological Records & UGC – Care

Ecology, Environment and Conservation is in Additional Index of Web of Science- Zoological Records & UGC - Care

Ecology, Environment and Conservation is in Additional Index of Web of Science- Zoological Records. If you search in Master Journal List it will show not found, you have to go to left side (active filters) go down and click on Zoological Records, it will appear. Any journal in any additional Index of Web of Science automatically qualifies for UGC care
Leading publishers of quality journals in Ecology, Environmental Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology
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Leading publishers of quality journals in Ecology, Environmental Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology

EM International, Publishers of Quality International Journals

EM International one of the leading publishers of quality journals in Ecology, Environmental Science and Biotechnology. The organization is publishing high quality scientific research papers, reviews, topical articles and other information for the past forty two years.

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