Instructions to Authors
References should be arranged alphabetically by author’s surname in the following pattern:
- Fills, J. and Swanson, W. R. 1975. The release of nutrients from river and lake sediments. J. Wat. Poll Cont Fed. 47 : 1032 - 41 Wetzel, R. G. 1975. Limnology. W. B. Saunders and Company, Philadelphia.
- Duncan, N. and Rzoska, J. (ed).1978. Land use impacts on Lake and Reservoir Ecosystems proceeding of MBA Project 5 workshop (Poland) Facultas Verlgg, Wien.
- Likens, G.E. 1972. Eutroph/cat/on and aquatic ecosystems p.3-13 In : G. E. Likenes edited. Nutrients and Eutrophication. Spac. Symp 1, Am Soc Limmol, Ocanogr Washington.
- Pl. mark every dot, italic etc.
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