Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 25, Nov Suppl. Issue, 2019

Page Number: 156-162


Sunita Hanamant Patil, Shital Shinde and Sweety Gite


Actinomycetes are the most economically and biotechnologically valuable prokaryote able to produce wide range of bioactive secondary metabolites. Actinomycetes play a significant role in the production of various antimicrobial agents and other industrially important substances such as enzymes. Actinomycetes are also used as plant growth promoting agents, biocontrol tools, bio pesticide agents, antifungal compounds and bio corrosion and as a sources of agro active compounds. The aim of the present study is to isolate and screen the actinomycetes with high potential ability to produce secondary metabolite that have inhibitory activity against plant and human pathogenic bacteria and fungi such as Fusarium spp., Aspergillus niger, Alternaria solani, Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli. All the isolated actinomycetes were characterized and identified based on the morphological, biochemical and cultural characteristics. Both primary and secondary screening methods were used to screen actinomycetes for antibacterial and antifungal activity. A diverse collection of actinomycetes strains showed extracellular peroxidase activity. Two isolates showed peroxidase activity and lignin degradation by lignin peroxidase assay.

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