Erny, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto, Masyhuri and Lestari Rahayu Waluyati
Production risk in the activity of shallot cultivation in palu valley varieties is the possibility of production failure caused by factors outside the power of farmers such as pest attacks and a disease that cannot be predicted beforehand, so that it affects the production and income of farmers and the behavior of farmers in decision making. This study aims to identify the input factors contributing to the risk of production of Palu Valley shallot. The study was conducted between February and May 2018 in Sigi, the center production palu valley shallot the study selected 200 respondent farmers from 3 villages: Bolupontuh, Oloboju and Maku. Multiple linear regressions with cobb-Douglas production model and Just and Pope production function were applied in analyses. The analysis shows that in first plannting season (MT-1), the production factors that have a significant and positive effect include land areas, seeds, and labor inputs, while the use of urea has adverse impact the variables that have a significant and negative effect are urea. Second plannting season (MT-II), the factors that have a significant and positive effect are land area, seeds, KCL, Sp36, labor and dummy land ownership. In the production risk function, factors that influence the risk of production in MT-1 are KCL and pesticides. In MT-II the factor that has a significant effect on the risk of production is Urea, with an increase in production factors which will reduce risk production.