This study was conducted to determine and evaluate the success rate of Artificial Insemination (AI) by using sexing semen on Ongole Crossbred cows. The study method used was an experimental method, the material used were Limousine frozen semen produce by BBIB Singosari with the motility between 40-50%. The cow used were Ongole crossbred cows between the ages of 3 - 9 years, the cows were inseminated by sexing semen as much as 65 heads and non-sexing semen as much as 64 heads. The cows have good reproductive traits with proven to have given birth normally and has a body score condition 2- 6. The AI method used was rectovaginal with deep insemination (cornua uteri position). The cows were shown signs of estrous clearly then inseminated after 8 hours. Frozen semen type was Limousin breed produced by insemination center of Singosari for non-sexing and sexing. The method of sexing spermatozoa was centrifugation method of gradient density percoll. Frozen semen was thawing by using warm water with a temperature of 30oC. The variables observed were Non-Return Rate1 (NRR1), Non-Return Rate2 (NRR2) and Conception Rate (CR). The results showed that uses of sexing semen did not give an effect to the value of NRR1 and NRR2. The value of NRR1, NRR2 and CR between frozen semen and frozen sexing semen were 90.62% and 81.53%; 82.81% and 76.91; 40.62% and 53.84% respectively.