The present work deals with the study of some of the physico-chemical parameters of water to assess the status of the water quality of Milak river, Nagaland. The physico-chemical parameters selected were: pH, Total alkalinity, Chloride, Dissolved Oxygen, water temperature, Free CO2, Total hardness, Calcium hardness, Magnesium hardness and Total Dissolved Solids. For this study, four sites were selected and surface water samples were collected on a monthly basis from Sept (2015) to May (2016). The values of the parameters of the four sites ranged from pH 7.05±0.53- 7.34±0.39, Total alkalinity 55.6±2.73 mg/L- 65.3±3.24 mg/L, Chloride 14.1±1.96 -16.3±1.87 mg/L, Dissolved Oxygen 8.68±0.52 mg/L- 9.56±1.02 mg/L, Water Temperature 16.81±3.730C- 19.96±2.57 0C, Free CO2 4.89±1.57 mg/L -7.18±2.03 mg/L, Total hardness 55±1.98 mg/L-62.3±4.40 mg/L, Calcium hardness 18.6±0.78 mg/L- 19.6±1.91 mg/L, Magnesium hardness 8.5±0.57 mg/L -10.4±1.07 mg/L and Total Dissolved Solids 111±36.29 mg/L - 137.1±35.57 mg/L, respectively for the four sites. It was found that almost all the parameters were within the permissible limit of WHO (1995) during the study period and suitable for domestic use. However, further study on variables such as biological properties, nutrients etc. should assessed to determine the overall status of water quality of the river.