R.V. Mahajan, V.M. Bhale, J.P. Deshmukh, S.P Patil and P.V. Shingrup
A field experiment was conducted during the kharif season 2012-13 at the research farm of Department of Agronomy, Dr. PDKV, Akola. (MS), India. Utilization of seaweed extract as bio-regulator for enhancement of morpho-physiological, biochemical traits and yield of blackgram. Treatments imposed on blackgram crop consisted of six combinations of seaweed liquid fertilizer and one control, namely FS0-(No application of seaweed sap, RDF is applied), FS1:K-sap@5%+RDF, FS2: K-sap@10%+RDF, FS3:K-sap@15%+RDF, FS4:Gsap@ 5%+RDF, FS5:G-sap@10%+RDF and FS6:G-sap@15%+RDF. The other cultural practices were kept common, as recommended. The foliar spray was applied twice at 20 and 35 DAS with different concentrations (0, 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0% v/v) of seaweed extracts (Kappaphycus and Gracilaria). Result revealed that, foliar applications of seaweed extract i.e Gracilaria sap@15% + recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) significantly enhanced the morpho-physiological parameter viz., plant height, number of branches, number of trifoliate leaves, root length, leaf area, leaf production rate and specific leaf weight. Biochemical traits, chlorophyll content index (CCI) significantly enhance with foliar application of seaweed sap i.e. G-sap@15%+RDF. Significant increased the seed and straw yield was also noticed with foliar application of G-sap@15%+RDF followed by foliar application of K-sap@15%+RDF, G-sap@10%+RDF and G-sap@5%+RDF. In conclusion, the study revealed the superiority of foliar application of G-sap@15%+RDF (FS6) treatment for majority of the morpho-physiological, biochemical trait and yield of blackgram, compared to other seaweed liquid fertilizer and control treatments.