R.S. Singh and Sandya N.R.
A field experiment was conducted during rainy season of 2012 -13 and 2013-14 at the Research Farm, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi to find out an effective and economical weed management practice in pigeonpea under rainfed conditions. Results indicated that Pendimethalin (PE) fb Imazethapyr on 20 DAS (PoE) fb one hand weeding on 50 DAS showed the higher weed control efficiency on 50 Das (57.7 %) and 70 DAS (88.4%), plant height (205.4 cm), branches/plant (22.6), drymatter/plant (289.7 g), pods/ plant (291.5), grains/pod (3.6), test weight (120.5 g), grain yield (21.5 q/ha), harvest index (19.2) and gross returns (Rs 88716). But maximum net return (Rs 66310) and higher B:C ratio (3.64) was obtained with Pendimethalin fb Imazethapyr on 20 DAS.