Ankush Kumar, B.S. Mankotia, Pankaj Chopra, Navneet Jaryal and Munish Sharma
A field experiment to study the effect of row ratio of male (HKI 163) and female (HKI 193-1) parents and fertility levels on quality, nutrient uptake and seed production of single cross high quality protein maize (HQPM) was conducted at Shivalik Agricultural Research and Extension Centre Kangra of CSKHPKV, Palampur. The application of 200-100-70 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1 being at par with 160-80-55 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1 resulted in significantly high content of oil, protein and tryptophan, however, it was significantly superior for lysine content in both the parents. Significantly higher uptake of NPK in seed/grain and stover of both the parents was recorded at fertility level of 120-60-40, which was at par to 160-80-55 kg NP 2O5-K2O ha-1 for high uptake of nitrogen in stover of both the parent lines and phosphorus and potassium in male and female parent lines, respectively. This has resulted in significantly higher seed/grain yield of maize at these two levels of fertility. Row ratios failed to influence different qu ality parameters except protein content in grains of male parent line, where 3:1 row ratio was found to be best. Significantly, more uptake of NPK in seed/grain of both the parents and stover of male parents was found at 3:1 row ratio, which has resulted in significantly high seed/grain yield of maize. Due to comparatively low uptake and more addition of nutrients 200-100-70 being at par with 160-80-55 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1 resulted in more availability of nutrients after crop harvest.