Smriti, S.P. Singh, Mankesh Kumar, R.K. Verma and Rishav Kumar
The experiment was conducted to analyze genetic diversity based on cluster for yield and its contributing traits in 16 genotypes including 13 landraces and three checks i.e. Rajendra Kasturi, Badshahbhog and Kalanamak at main experimental research Farm of Bihar Agricultural University Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, during Kharif, 2014 in randomized block design with 3 replications. The observations were recorded on days to 50% flowering, plant height (cm), number of tillers/hill, panicle length (cm), flag leaf length (cm), flag leaf width (cm), number of panicles/m², number of grains/panicle, grain yield (kg/ha), 1000 grain weight (g), kernel length (mm), kernel breadth (mm) and kernel L/B ratio and five quality parameters (Fe, Zn, amylose content, alkali spread value and head rice recovery). The D2 analysis indicated the presence of appreciable amount of genetic diversity in the material. All the sixteen genotypes were grouped into five clusters with maximum inter-cluster distance between cluster II and V (71.110) followed by cluster II and III (56.538) and cluster I and V (55.672), and lowest inter-cluster distance between cluster I and III (26.234). The highest intra-clusterdistance was recorded for cluster IV (23.981) followed by cluster III (23.779) and lowest for cluster II and IV (0.000). Landraces which were identified superior for grain yield and other desirable traits can be further utilized in crop improvement.