Lokesh Mohabe, Ratan Chandra Ghosh, Mrityunjoy Mondal, Pooja Mohabe and Milind Madhukar Chawak
The present communication is designed to study the pathology and molecular diagnosis of natural outbreak of IBD in broilers. At necropsy, most of the suspected birds revealed petechial and ecchymoti chaemorrhages in the leg and breast muscles, patchy haemorrhage at the junction of proventriculus and ventriculus, congestion and haemorrhages on the serosal and mucosal surfaces of the bursa, severely atrophied spleen and pale swollen kidneys. Histologically, severe depletion of lymphocytes was found in lymphoid organs like bursa of Fabricius, spleen and thymus. Both liver and kidneys had degenerative and necrotic changes along with haemorrhage. The bursae of Fabricius and spleens of broilers showing lesions suggestive of IBD were collected for RT-PCR. A total of 53 samples were taken for the detection of IBDV by using IBDV specific primers. Out of 53 IBD affected samples of bursa and spleen, 45 samples produced an amplicon of 643bp indicating positive result (84.9%) for IBDV.