P.Y. Zalate and D.R. Padmani
An experiment was conducted during kharif season 2006-07 to study response of groundnut to organic manure and biofertilizers in clayey soils of Gujarat. The results revealed that seed inoculation with biofertilizers significantly increased pod yield, haulm yield and monetary returns of groundnut crop. The crop responded favourably to application of FYM 6 tha-1+Rhizobium+PSM and gave significantly higher pod yield, haulm yield and net returns over no manuring. Fertilizing the crop with FYM 6 t/ ha+Rhizobium+PSM gave the highest net realization of Rs. 55027 ha-1 & B:C ratio of 5.69 followed by treatment FYM 3 t/ha+Rhizobium+PSM, during experimentation.