J. K. Parmar and K. P. Patel
Keeping in view the possible contamination of ground water along the open canal carrying mix industrial effluents in Nawagam-Vatva region, a survey was carried out to assess the quality of ground water. Also, the soil and plant samples collected from the area were analyzed for levels of contamination with heavy metals. It was noticed that the contamination of soil-water-plant system with Cr, Ni and Pb was alarming. The tube well water along the canal was saline-sodic in nature and contained appreciable amount of trace and heavy metals. Also, the tube well water in adjoining area was medium to poor in quality and found contaminated with heavy metals; although the level of contamination was comparatively less than that noticed in contaminated area. This indicated that the ground water was about possibly contaminated even at a distance to about 1.5 to 2.0 km away form the open effluent carrying canal. The soils of contaminated area were slightly neutral to alkaline whereas uncontaminated soils showed pH more towards sodicity. Further, the soils of contaminated area were more contaminated with heavy metals than uncontaminated soils. Trace and heavy metals content of rice and wheat plants grown in contaminated area were more than the crops grown in uncontaminated area. The Cr content of grain, straw and husk of rice in contaminated area were higher by 52.8, 44.7 and 91.8 per cent over uncontaminated area. Whereas Cr and Ni content in wheat grain, Cd, Co, Cr and Pb content in wheat straw and Co and Ni content in wheat husk were 123, 52, 57, 98, 141, 84, 61 and 142 per cent higher than wheat grain, straw and husk samples from uncontaminated area, respectively.