K. Joseph Raj
Societies have always depended on the climate. When climate is changed it will affect the human beings directly .The climate change is caused by too much emission of green house gases. The main green house gas is CO2.This is emitted more from the combustion of fossil fuel. The concentration of CO2 was 280ppm in 1760 but it increased to 379 ppm in 2000. As a result, global warming has been realized all over the world. The heat waves and strokes are killing many people especially children and old age people. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 34% of all childhood illness in the world and 36% of death in children under the age of 14 are due to modifiable environmental factors. The vector borne diseases like malaria, diarrhea and dengue are spreading all over the world. If global warming continues, it will create more threat to human beings. As a result, heavy economic and human loss will be happened throughout the world. The need for the hour is to mitigate the emission and protect the health of the people in the gifted planet.