Surjya Narayan Datta, Asha Dhawan, Sachin Kumar, Pranaya Parida and Kulwinder Kaur
Comparative study was conducted to evaluate the economic benefit of pond aquaculture with and without cage. Channa punctata was stocked in cages where as carps were stocked in ponds. C. punctata in the cages were fed with chicken waste (with crude protein of 63.04%) @ 2% of body weight and the carps in pond were not provided any supplementary diet. However carps in pond, without cage, were fed with supplementary diet (with crude protein of 26.92%) @ of 1% of body weight. In addition to C. Punctata reared in cages the growth of carps was 13.93% higher in pond with cage as compared to pond without cage. The pond cage aquaculture provides 32.12% of additional gross income in comparison to the pond without cage. The utilization of slaughter house waste helps in waste utilization, improvement of environment and reduces the feed cost. Pond cage aquaculture shows the avenue of maximization of income from the same unit of water body.