K.G. Ambhure, V.R. Gaikwad and Anjali Patel
A field experiment was conducted at experimental field of Department of Entomology, Live Stock Farm, Adhartal, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur (M.P.) during kharif season 2011-2012. Elevene different species of insects (9-pests and 2-natural enemies) and one insectivorus bird species were recorded on the pigeonpea at Jabalpurduring 2011-2012. Data collected reveled that fauna belonging to seven orders and twelve families associated with the pigeonpea crop. The first group of insects included jassid and leaf webber which appeared when the crop age was about 55 days old, i.e. during vegetative stage and remained available upto the reproductive stage. The next group of insects to appear on the crop was thrips, green stink bug, gram pod borer, pod fly, red gram plume moth and pod bug respectively. These appeared when the crop age was about 125 days old, i.e. at the reproductive stage and remained available upto the maturity of the crop. These pests were the major key pests which caused colossal yield losses. The natural enemies observed were lady bird beetle and a parasitic wasp Cotessia (= Apanteles) sp. which appeared from 55 days old, i.e. during vegetative stage and from 153 days old, i.e. during reproductive stage of the crop respectively and remained available up to the maturity of the crop. An insectivorous bird, black drongo was also observed to feed on different stages of insect pests infesting pigeonpea during the entire crop growth period.