Darshana Patel, P.K. Shrivastava and D.P. Patel
Scarcity of potable water is being experienced throughout the world due to increasing population (demand) and environmental pollution. These shortages are experienced more by poor rather than the rich, who can afford costly modern technologies for survival. Roof water harvesting is an ideal technique to collect and store water for drinking purposes. However, with time, in spite of all the precautions, there is a possibility of development of microbes in stored water that makes it unsafe for drinking. Moreover, microbe infected water is one of the major concern in most parts of developing countries. There are many water purification methods, although, most of them are expensive and beyond the reach of many people, especially in rural areas. In India, since ancient times, Ayurveda recommends use of copper pots / vessels for storing drinkingwater, but, in last few decades, copper is replaced by steel, plastic and earthen pots. In conventional water distribution system chlorine is used to disinfect drinking water, but, it has several detrimental effects, so replacement of chlorine is essential. In this study an attempt was made to study the best method among the Copper, Silver treatment, earthen pot or Plastic jugs for removal of biological contamination from drinking water for domestic use. The result revealed that copper vessel showed maximum inhibitory effect on coliform as well as total bacterial count at 12 hrs and 24 hrs. There was a slight increase in pH and Copper concentration but it remains within the permissible limits laid by World Health Organization. The findings indicate that vessel or pot made up of copper could be used for antimicrobial treatment for purification of drinking water. It would be very economical solution to disinfect potable water, without any energy requirements, which could be adopted in urban / rural areas of the developing countries.