A. K. Pandey, B.Thapa, V. K. Mishra, R.K. Singh and Ramesh Chand
Fifty two CIMMYT germplasm lines of wheat were undertaken to carry out correlation and path analysis for yield and associated traits under the artificial epiphytotic conditions using pure culture of the most aggressive isolate of fungi Bipolaris. sorokiniana causing spot blotch disease at BHU Agricultural Farm, during Rabi season of 2012-13. Yield per plot had significant positive correlation with biomass, 1000-grain weight and plant height while the AUDPC (Area Under Disease Progress Curve) had significant negative correlation with plot yield. The correlation between lesion mimic and AUDPC was found to be highly significant and positive. It was revealed from path coefficient analysis that plant height and 1000-grain weight were among the traits showing maximum direct contribution to plot yield while CT-3 (canopy temperature at 96 DAS) and AUDPC had highest negative effect on plot yield. Thus, positive selection of tall plant and high 1000- grain weight along with lesion mimic free lines in wheat would be effective for improvement in yield potential under spot blotch.