Nagaraj Gokavi1, Kallappa Narode, Shivakumar H.J., Akshay K.R., Shiva Kumar and Khandade Suresh
An investigation was carried out to study the influence of different levels of NPK on growth, yield and alkaloid content of makoi (Solanum nigrum L.) under hill zone-9 of Karnataka at Horticulture Research Station, Thirthahalli, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot during the year 2013-14. The results revealed that, application of NPK fertilizer @ 125:75:75 kg /ha was found beneficial for getting higher growth, fruit yield and alkaloid content by makoi. Among the different fertilizer levels, application of 125:75:75 kg NPK / ha (F8) recorded maximum plant height (74.27 cm), higher number of branches (15.23), higher number of leaves (269.77), fresh and dry yield (16.03 t and 3.71 t/ha, respectively) and higher alkaloid content (0.37 % w/w) and it was followed by F7 (0.34 % w/w) compared to other levels and control.