Present investigation was carried out to determine the water quality standards with an application of factor analysis of physicochemical characteristics and phytoplankton distribution in the Damodar and Barakar rivers. The concentration of different physicochemical parameters of Damodar and Barakar rivers water was measured and recorded in the ranges as follows: pH (7.3 - 8.9), EC (100.0 - 410.0 μScm-1), lead (0.0005 0.05 mgl-1), ammonia (0.076 - 0.76 mgl-1), phosphate (0.029 - 0.342 mgl-1), nitrate (0.26 - 5.28 mgl-1) and the phytoplankton diversity ranges from 0 to 0.99. Factor analysis of the metals and various elements in Damodar as well as Barakar river water was used as a statistical means to mark the different pollution sources and its influence on the phytoplankton community. Damodar river possesses higher levels of phytoplankton abundance and diversity in comparison to the river Barakar and the water quality is mainly affected by the effluents from various industries as well as municipal waste streams containing numerous toxic substances. The factor analysis confirms that the industrial discharges, geogenic sources and natural factors strongly influence the water quality as well as planktonic population of the study areas.