Fly ash is an industrial waste generated from the thermal energy sector. The environmental concerns regarding the potential contamination of soil, surface water and ground water due to the presence of heavy metals in the ash is of serious concern. Moreover, the use of low quality coal with high ash content results in large quantities of bottom and fly ashes for disposal. This study is carried out to analyze the heavy metals concentration of fly ash and pond ash from Badarpur thermal power plant located in Delhi. The current disposal methods of fly ash by the plant management are also studied. The samples of the fly ashes were analyzed for the presence of Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni) and Zinc (Zn) and the detectable levels of these metals were found in both fly ash and pond ash. The concentration of Ni was higher as compared to Cr concentration. The wet disposal method is used in the thermal power plant. The ground water samples of the ash pond were also analyzed and investigated for the presence of these heavy metals. The concentration of Zn was found in higher side while Ni concentration was very less and Cr was below detectable limit. No ash pond lining is employed in the construction of the ash pond; hence leaching of heavy metals is possible. Promotion of increased use of fly ash in construction activities, proper disposal practices with better management need to be undertaken to minimize the adverse impacts of fly ash on the surrounding environment.