A study of Tinea capitis and Tinea corporis infections among school children was carried out on pupils in 2 private and 2 public primary schools, within Obio-Akpor Local Government Area (LGA) of Rivers State, Nigeria. Of the 1320 pupils studied (632 males, 688 females), aged 5-13 years, 79 cases were clinically diagnosed for infection with 73 cases infected with tinea capitis and 6 cases with Tinea corporis. A total prevalence rate of 5.99 cY, was observed, with 5.5 % being Tmea cflpitis infection. Majority of the pupils (91 %) had dry-inflammatory lesions while 9 (.!') had wet-inflammatory lesions. Males were more infected with Tinea capitis than females (64.6 % vs. 35.4 %; p <0.05). Children within 8-10 years of age were more infected (45.6 %) compared to ages 5 to 7vears (27.8 %) and 11 to 13 years (26.6 %). Pupils from the public schools were significantly more infected than pupils from private schools ((93.6% vs. 6.33%). Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton sp. were isolated with a 50 % recovery rate.