A limnological investigation was carried out in Dikrong river system of Arunachal Pradesh to study the environmental impacts of rapid urbanization and related anthropogenic disturbance on its water quality. The study area comprised of two tributaries, rivers Pare and Pachin along with the main river, Dikrong. The main sources of disturbance in Dikrong river system are urbanization, siltation, piggery wastes, defecation along the river bank and quarrying. However, amongst the three rivers, Pare was in relatively undisturbed state while Pachin was in more disturbed condition as it traversed along a township area. A detailed study revealed the mixing effect of Pachin and Pare on Dikrong. This study highlights that in order to manage any major river system its tributaries particularly those running along urban landscape should be given greater importance. As Dikrong river system is a part of the Himalaya biodiversity hotspot its proper management has important implication for not only biodiversity perspective but also its conservation.