P.S. Iongwai, S. K. Jha, B. Kharbuli, S. A. War and A.K. Das
Concentration of Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu and Ni were measured in different dietary vegetables collected from Mawthabah area, Meghalaya, North Eastern India. A wide variation of trace elements was observed among all dietary vegetable samples. Fe concentrations are comparatively more in all the dietary vegetable samples. The element concentrations are translated into intake rates through ingestion pathways. The total daily intake of Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu and Ni by adult population of Mawthabah area were 26.32±3.88, 3.35±0.29, 4.48±0.46, 0.09±0.01 and 0.02±0.002 mg/day respectively. It was found that daily intake of Zn and Cu through consumption of all the dietary vegetables by the local population of Mawthabah area are well below the daily intake limit prescribed by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). Daily intake of Mn is in accordance with the daily tolerable intake of 5.5 mg/day as prescribed by WHO. It was also observed that the daily intake of Fe and Ni are well below the daily tolerable intake limit of 45 and 0.6 mg/day as recommended by the Food and Nutrition Board of India.