Prashanth Naik, C.K. Narayana, S.S.V. Raju and N. Bharathi
Residual cabbage leaves (RCL) were collected after harvesting of heads. The left over leaves were collected and partitioned in to two; one was subjected for blanching and another unblanched. Then the leaves were oven dried at 60°C until they became crisp textured and ground to powder. The powder was used for further preparation of rusk in different ratios 5, 7 and 10 per cent. The nutrient composition such as protein, carbohydrates, fat, total carotenoids, vitamin C and total antioxidants were estimated for unblanched and blanched RCL powder and their products. A close perusal of data indicated that with the increase in RCL powder there was increase in all the nutrient components when compared to control. All the fortified products were evaluated for sensory qualities such as texture, appearance, taste, crispness and overall acceptability for 100 score among different panelists but no significant differences were recorded among the treatments.