N.B. Shaikh, C. D. Badgujar, and R. D. Pawar
The experiment was conducted at Banana Research Station, Jalgaon for three years (2005-2009) with an objective to find out a suitable intercrop for Mrig Baug (June planting) banana and its effects on growth and yield of banana. The intercrops of Black gram, Green gram, Sesame, Cowpea and Soybean along with a control (Banana sole crop) were assessed. Among the intercrops, Banana + Cowpea was proved to be ideal with maximum number of functional leaves at flowering (12.64), the least days for flowering (243.87) and harvesting (337.91), maximum number of hands per bunch (10.27), fingers per bunch (166.26), maximum finger length (22.22 cm), finger girth (12.63 cm), bunch weight (19.42 kg) and yield per ha (86.29 MT). Banana + Cowpea treatment was followed by Banana + Green gram. All the intercropping treatments were found to improve the soil fertility status.