Preeti Mathur and Sabiha Khan
The paper deals with the determination of physio-chemical characteristics and quality of ground waters taken from different areas of village Silora Ajmer district, Rajasthan, India. The study of investigation area is made in the pre-monsoon , monsoon and post monsoon seasons of 2011-12. The variations in the values of EC, pH, Total hardness, TDS, chlorine, Na, K, Total Phosphate, Sulphate, DO and COD are not so remarkable in different seasons. It has become clear from the results that there is certain deterioration of water quality in some specific areas of the village Silora. The hydo-chemical analysis reveal that present status of ground water in Silora is marginally fit for irrigation and drinking purposes except for a few locations which may further deteriorate in future.However the water of different areas of village may be used safely for drinking and irrigation purposes. But for drinking purpose particularly during the premonsoon period sufficient remedial practices should be adopted. The probable reasons for the water quality degradation in some areas of the village Silora are being investigated.