K.L.Tiwari and S.K. Jadhav
Aeromycoflora of Rice field -tat Balodabazar was carried out with the help of Tilak air sampler and Gravity Petriplate method during 25' July 1992 to 17 November 1992. 72 fungal types were observed from Tilak air sampler. Out of 72 fungal I, 5, 24, 2 and 40 spore types were observed from Myxomycotina, Zygomycotina, As comycotina, Basidiomycotina and Deuteromycotina respectively. Similarly, 17 fungal species were observed by Gravity Petrip late method. Among them I ,13, 3 species were recorded from Zygomycotina. Deuteromycotina and Mycelia sterilea. Results also indicates that maximum number of fungal types were observed from Deutromycotina.