Aspirin is one of the most frequently used drugs in the treatment of mild to moderate pain, including that of migraines and fever. It is often combined with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioid analgesics in the treatment of moderate to severe pain. In high doses, aspirin and other salicylates are used in the treatment of rheumatic fever, rheumatic arthritis, and other inflammatory joint conditions. In lower doses, aspirin also inhibits platelet aggregation, and has been shown to reduce the incidence of transient ischemic attacks and unstable angina in men, and can be used prophylactically. It is also used in the treatment of pericarditis, coronary artery disease, and acute infarction. Low doses of aspirin are also recommended for the prevention of stroke, and myocardial infarction in patients with diagnosed cardiovascular disease. It is of no value in people without proven heart diseased. A window technique has been developed for culturing the cells of fertilized egg. Cultured cells of fertilized egg were taken. The chemical (aspirin) to be tested was added 12-18 hrs after the fertilization, to the culture prepared by the above mentioned method. At this stage the cells present, are not directed to form any specified organ. This helps in obtaining better teratogenic results since then the affected cells form abnormal structures. Aspirin was added at stage 4 of the chick embryo culture. Various concentrations of aspirin from 200 - 1000 μL were used. The abnormal structures were observed and results recorded