K. Jeevan Rao, Y.S.S. Vimaladevi and A. Sreenivasa Raju
The studies on long term impact of urban solid wastes disposal on soil chemical properties revealed that an increase in soil pH and EC.The pH was found to be alkaline and increased from 6.2 to 9.1 while EC increased from 0.065 to 0.66 dSmi.There was an increase in organic carbon, and calcium carbonate from 2.0 to 22.0 and 5.0 to 645g Kg' respectively.The available nitrogen content increased in USW t-reted soils and decreased with soil depth. So also was the case with soil available P205, which was found to increase from 19.0 to 90.0 ppm and soil available N from 98 to L234 kg/ha-'.The water soluble and exchangeable Na and K also increased as compared to control soils.