E.C. Mwachiro and V. S. Durve
The present investigation aims at determining the energy flow in the lake Bari, Southern Rajasthan. India. The study was done from selected points of the lake and spread over a period of 12 months. The results revealed an inadequate uitilization of the available green food because of the lesser stock of herbivores and even omnivores in the lake.The results also indicated a low conversion of light of fish flesh probably due to the absence of the utilization of light energy fixed in phytoplankton. The classical energy utilization pathways of grazing chain, predation and detritus chain are in operation in varying degrees of utility. The dominant flow of energy in the lake is most probably due to grazing chain, taking into consideration the fishery of the lake which is dominated by mrigal. Rohu, minor carps and mahseer which feed on benthos and detritus material. This results in the need for judicious stocking of planktivores, both zoo and phytophagous and omnivores to increase the fish production through the utilization of lower levels of food chain.