M.C. Mahajan and B.N. Pande
An aeromycological survey was carried out in the ambient air inside the poultry at Aurangabad for the period of four months i.e.. from January to April, 1998. Monitoring was done using Rotorod Sampler n petriplates with PDA.The results obtained revealed maximum fungi belonged to the fungi imperfect. Concentration of spores of mycosporpphytes in the ambient air was maximum during October. Cladosporium spores contributed the major part of mycosporphytes on the rotorod samoler. However. petriplate exposure methods revealed prevalence of maximum number of colonies of Saprobic mycosporophytes, eventually during the month of March. Aspergillus flaws was found to be dominant.The colonies of Alternaria alternata, Rhizo pus Sp., Fusarium oxysporium, Fusarium solani, Helminthosporium Sp., Curvuloria, Sp Penicillium nigricans, Sporotrichum prunisum, etc. were also prevalent in the occurrence during the period of present investigation.