G.G. Phadke, A.U. Pagarkar, K. Sehgal and K.N. Mohanta
With increasing awareness of environmental hazards associated with synthetic packaging materials, there is an urgent need for use of biodegradable films and coatings in food processing industries. Several potential and innovative applications of edible films and coatings in the seafood are to improve overall food quality, extend the shelf life, alleviate the problem of moisture loss in frozen seafood, prevent the drip loss, enhance the product presentation in retail packages, reduce the rate of rancidity and spoilage, reduce the load of pathogenic microorganisms, reduce volatile flavour loss, carry antioxidants (e.g. tocopherols) and/or antimicrobials (e.g. organic acids) as well as improve the nutritional value of seafood by reducing oil uptake during frying of battered and breaded products. In the present paper, the coatings derived from various carbohydrate and protein sources are discussed along with their potential benefits in improving the seafood quality and shelf life.