V. Wilsanand and Praseeja Cheruparambath
Studies on the effect and impact of the mangrove pests in India are very sporadic in spite of their importance. As such, in the present investigation an attempt has been made to study the insect pests of Kadalundi Vallikunnu community reserve mangroves of South West Coast of India. The study was conducted for a period of 5 months from May to September 2008, covering summer, monsoon and post monsoon seasons. All possible methods were used for the sampling. Random sampling method was adopted for the study. The collected insects were killed, preserved and identified. The study revealed 8 different types of pests, infesting 3 variety of mangroves and belonged to 8 genera under 5 orders and belonged to coleoptera (Epilachna vigintipunctuata, Calandra) hemiptera (Chrysocoris stollii), lepidoptera (Hyblaea puera, Myelopsis sp, Tineidae), isoptera (Postelectrotermes militaris) and hymenoptera (black ant). However, in the present communication only Hyblaea puera is dealt with. The pests caused destruction to the mangrove by various ways. Being a voracious eater Hyblaea puera completely defoliated the leaves of various mangrove trees like A. officinalis, R. mucronata and A. ilicifolius.