Mahesh Kumar, Ashok Yadav, Parvender Sheoran and Sher Singh
A field experiment was conducted during rabi season at Agronomy Research Farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. The experiment comprised three methods of sowing (conventional, FIRBS-2 rows and FIRBS-3 rows) and two methods of N application (broadcast and placement) and three times of N application (½ before sowing + ½ after 1st irrigation, 1/3 before sowing + 1/3 after 1st irrigation + 1/3 at spike emergence and 1/3 after 1st irrigation + 1/3 at boot stage + 1/3 at anthesis). The sowing of wheat on beds with three rows per bed (FIRBS, 3 rows) produced significantly higher grain and straw yields, NPK content and their uptake and better grain quality than conventional sowing. Placement method of N application resulted in significantly higher grain and straw yields as well as nutrients uptake in comparison to broadcast N application. Significantly higher grain and straw yields were obtained with N applied as 1/3 before sowing + 1/3 after 1st irrigation + 1/3 at spike emergence. Increasing the number of splits significantly improved the N content in grain, however, N content in straw and P and K content in both grain and straw though non-significant but statistically improved with extending the timings of N application. Highest N (138.41 kg/ha), P (20.70 kg/ha) and K (167.40 kg/ha) uptake was obtained when the entire dose of nitrogen was applied in 3 splits (1/3rd before sowing + 1/3 rd after first irrigation + 1/3 rd at spike initiation).