Tulumoni Gogoi and M.S. Rawat
This paper is a study on the change detection of the Gai River basin. Researchers considered Normalised difference vegetation index and Normalised difference water index techniques for the detection of changes in vegetation and water bodies. Landsat 7 (13-05-2003) and 9 (11-12-2023) satellite imagery are utilised in ArcGIS, a raster calculator tool, to evaluate the ratio difference. The vegetation index ratios are -0.20 (low), 0.55 (high), -0.10 (low), and 0.59 (high) between 2003 and 2023. Moreover, the NDWI ratio value varies from -0.45 low to 0.26 (high) in 2003 and -0.53 (low) and 0.15 (high) in 2023. The difference in ratio values indicates the change detection areas. The prepared map of the NDVI and NDWI has shown the changes.Vegetation and water are crucial natural resources, but the changes in these resources impact our environment. So, maintenance and sustainable utilisation are needed to conserve those resources.