Protected cultivation is one of the most prominent methods practiced by most of the cultivators in North India especially to shield crops during adverse climatic conditions. Inside the polyhouse a microclimate is generated which protects the cultivars. An attempt was made to study the effect of polyfilm of polyhouse on the tomato yield when the seedbed was prepared by applying the farm yard manure by paddle operated farm yard manure applicator compared to broadcasting method (P1 and P2) in the crop research farm of Maya group of colleges, Dehradun. Two plots (O1 and O2) were also prepared in the same way in open field condition. The analysis was made on the attributes such as air temperature, soil temperature, relative humidity and intensity of light in both situations, i.e. under protected cultivation and open field from mid October 2021 to mid march 2022. The results reveal air temperature was found to be 3-6 úC low in protected conditions but relative humidity was 12-14% higher. Soil temperature was 3-9 úC was high in open field state but light intensity was low in polyhouse. The yield inside the polyhouses was obtained 48.7 t/h and 54.8 t/h compared to open field that was 31.6 t/h and 42.8 t/h.