The field experiment on ââ¬ÅEffect of different levels of nitrogen and lopping intervals on growth and yield of basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.)ââ¬Â was carried out at the research farm of Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda (Punjab) during kharif season 2021.The experiment comprising total 10 treatment combinations; viz. T1-control,T2- N 20 kg per ha +LP at 25 DAT, T3 -N 30 kg per ha + LP at 25DAT, T4 ââ¬âN 40 kg per ha + LP at 25 DAT, T5 -N 20 kg per ha + LP at 35 DAT, T6-N 30 kg per ha + LP at 35 DAT, T7-N 40 kg per ha + LP at 35 DAT, T8-N 20 kg per ha + LP at 45 DAT, T9-N 30 kg per ha + LP at 45 DAT and T10-N 40 kg per ha +LP at 45 DAT. Experiment was carried out in randomized block design with three replications. Results revealed that growth, yield and economics of maize influenced significantly due to application of nitrogen and lopping practices. Results showed that application nitrogen 40 kg per ha + Lopping at 45 Days After Sowing at par with nitrogen 40 kg per ha + Lopping at 25 Days After Transplanting, nitrogen 40 kg per ha + Lopping at 35 Days After Transplanting and nitrogen 30 kg per ha + Lopping at 45 Days After Transplanting and recorded significantly higher dry matter accumulation, number of total tillers, number of panicles, number of grains per panicle, test weight, grain yield, straw yield, biological yield, nitrogen, phosphorus content and uptake, net returns and B:C ratio.