Parkash Verma, Yudh Vir Singh, Supriya, Sudarshan S., Vipin Kumar, Monica Yaying, Lachha Choudhary and Birendra Kumar
An experiment was conducted on paddy crop (Shahsarang 1 variety) for the estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in grain and straw when applied through different treatments of chemical and biofertilizers. The experiment was conducted in Kharif season of the year 2016, at ICAR complex for NEH, Meghalaya, in a split-plot design comprising 3 main plot treatments viz. 1. 100% organic, 2. 100% inorganic (recommended dose of fertilizer) and 3. INM (75% RDF with 25% FYM) and 4 subplot treatments viz. Control, Azospirillum, Azospirillum with PSB and Azospirillum with PSB and ZnSB in sub plots. Each treatment was replicated thrice. The results showed that highest concentration of N and P in both grains and straw were observed in inorganic followed by INM management practices when combined with Azotobactor + PSB + ZnSB and highest grain yield obtained with inorganic.