D. Sharmah, Sudeshna Baruah, S. Sarma, S. Sonowal and Sangeeta Bora Saikia
Five Arecanut based multi-storied cropping system were considered for the present study under Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dibrugarh during 2020-21 and 2021-22. Yield and income of five representative samples of Arecanuts main crop and the intercrops from all the five models including check were observed. Maximum mean yield of AEY was found to be 216.51 qtha-1 in Model V (Arecanut + Blackpepper + Pineapple + Assam lemon), while minimum was 132.00 qtha-1 in Model I (Arecanut sole crop). Productivity efficiency 59.32 kg ha-1 day-1 was found more in Model V (Arecanut+ Blackpepper + Pineapple + Assam Lemon) followed by Model-IV (Arecanut+ Blackpepper + Pineapple) (49.95 kg ha-1 day-1), Model-II (Arecanut+ Blackpepper) (40.23 kg ha-1 day-1), and Model III (Arecanut+ Pineapple) (38.65 kg ha-1day-1), respectively. The maximum return and B:C ratio of 000Rs. 948.32/- and 1:5.08 were observed in Model-V (Arecanut+ Blackpepper + Pineapple + Assam Lemon) and Model-II (Arecanut+ Blackpepper), respectively, while minimum return000Rs. 307.30 and minimum B:C ratio of 4.46 was recorded in Model I (Arecanut sole crop). It can be revealed that Model V (Arecanut+ Blackpepper + Pineapple + Assam Lemon) was the most remunerative one and the farmers can adopt this model in this region as areca nut based multi-storeyed cropping system for more income per unit area of land.