D. Dinesh Varma, Ravi Kant, V.K. Choudary and M.Vennela
Forty-eight field pea genotypes were evaluated in the Kharif season (2021-2023) at Tirhut College of Agriculture, Dholi, Dr. RPCAU, Bihar. The objective of this experiment was to identify stable and high yielding field pea genotypes through their overall mean values. The study was conducted using randomized block design with three replications. Observations were taken for 14 quantitative characters that included 35 crosses obtained through line x tester mating design, their parents and one check. The general mean of almost all the characters studied has performed to be higher than the check (Rachana) except for number of secondary branches, days to maturity, pod length, number of seeds per pod, number of pods per plant and number of nodules per plant. Among the parents HUPT 1810, PANT P 462 and within the crosses IPFD 19- 9 X IPF 18-7, RFPG 111 X IPF 18-7 and KPF 14-29 X IPF-18-7 showed better results for yield based on the mean performance, indicating that these genotypes can be used for breeding to produce superior genotypes in the region.