Khilendra Singh, Ankur Sharma and Sapna Chamoli
A field experiment was planned and conducted during the Rabi season of 2019-20 at agricultural research centre, school of agricultural sciences, SGRRU, Dehradun Uttarakhand, to investigate the ââ¬ÅEffect of macronutrients on the growth and yield of Rapeseed/toriaââ¬Â. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replication and 8 treatments. Treatments constituted viz. Sulphur (Basal application). Sulphur (Foliar application), Sulphur (Basal+Foliar application), NPK (Basal) + Ca Mg:S (Basal), NPK(Basal) + Ca Mg S(Foliar), NPK(Foliar)+ Ca Mg S (Foliar) .70 kg/ha NPK with the recommended dose of 40:30:30,18 kg/ha Ca, 6kg/ha Mg. 40kg/ha S used in different doses in all treatments. The crop variety PR 2006 (Pant Rai 19) was shown on November 15, 2019 and harvested on March 25, 2020. Observation on various growth parameters, field attributes and yield were recorded. The seed and stover samples at harvest were collected; finally the economics of different treatments were worked out. Fertilizer management treatments significantly influenced various growth parameters, yield attributes and yield of mustard. Plant height, number of branches per plant, number of leaves per plant, number of siliqua/plant, number of seeds/siliquae yield recorded had significantly higher values under treatment T6 (NPK (Foliar) + Ca Mg S (Foliar) followed by T5-NPK (Basal)+ Ca:Mg:S (Foliar application) and T4- NPK (Basal)+Ca Mg:S ( Basal) NPK (Foliar)+ Ca: Mg S(Foliar) T6 though recorded maximum seed yield (1875 kg/ha) but was statistical at par with NPK(Basal) +Ca:Mg S (Foliar) (1748kg/ha) and was significantly superior over remaining treatments. The treatment shows significantly high yield and plant growth in which all macronutrients are used as foliar application.