Information is a prerequisite for individuals and communities for the prevention, treatment, and control of chronic diseases including diabetes. Diabetes is fast gaining the status of a potential epidemic in India with more than 62 million diabetic individuals currently diagnosed with the disease. This article examines the advocacy provided to diabetes respondents by SMS to meet their information need. The information needs of the diabetic respondents were studied with the help of developed interview schedule. The information needs of the respondents were collected in terms of clinical, nutrition and management domains. Taking in to account each information need, broader content to be provided to satisfy the need was developed. Short messages both in text and voice format were developed, in Telugu and English in accordance to the information need of the respondents addressing behaviour domain ââ¬â KAS. A total 60 text and 30 voice messages were developed. The text message provides the narration and voice message an appeal or direction for action. To measure the perception level of respondents on disseminated messages, a check list on three-point continuum with options strongly agree, agree and disagree for the statements, with a score of 3, 2 and 1 respectively, reflecting the content and respective behaviour domains, were prepared. It was administered to the sample, i.e. both experimental and control group. For this investigation, the random sampling method was used. The mean score for nutrition information need was higher in both experimental and control groups and low for management information needs. A significant difference between experimental and control was found when computed t values through independent t test.