Satyajit Dasa, Tapati Dasa, Abhik Guptaa,b and Shovan Dutta Guptaa
Anthropogenic land use can potentially impact the water quality of different drinking water sources. However, the degree of impact in different watersheds remains largely unknown. We hypothesized that a heterogeneous environment created due to diverse land uses can have a substantial effect on the water properties of different drinking water sources. We tested this hypothesis using data on drinking water parameters collected following standard methods at seasonal intervals for a period of two years from selected surface water sources in the Barak Valley region of Assam in North East India. The study showed that drinking water from different sources viz., pond, river and tap water, located under different land use types viz., rural area, semi-urban area, urban area, and tea-garden area, have their distinctive characteristic features. Water properties of different sources varied within as well as across different land use types. Upon comparing the water properties of various surface water sources utilized for drinking purposes with the relevant standards, it was found that certain parameters did not fall within the acceptable range for drinking water. The study highlights the significant influence of anthropogenic land use on the quality of drinking water sources in the Barak Valley region of Assam, North East India. The results suggest that the impact of land use on water properties varies between different sources and land use types. The findings underscore the need for sustained efforts to manage land use practices and implement effective strategies to ensure the provision of safe and clean drinking water to the population.