Rekha Kumawat, Rakesh Kumar and Suneeta Pandey
Fenugreek is one of the oldest annual green leafy herbs mainly cultivated for its seed. It has huge medicinal and nutraceutical value in the life of human beings. The present investigation was carried out during Rabi 2018-19 and 2019-20 on evaluation of integrated management practices for diseases of fenugreek. The experiment consisted ten treatments and three replications. Two years pooled findings indicated that all the treatments were recorded very good germination percentage. Seed treatment with carboxin 37.5% + thiram 37.5% @ 2g/kg + soil application with Trichoderma viride @ 2.5 kg/ha + spray of captan 70% + hexaconazole 5% @ 1g/l registered minimum per cent of wilt incidence and powdery mildew intensity with maximum seed yield (1120 kg/ha) while seed treatment with carbendazim @ 2g/kg + seed treatment with metalaxyl @ 5g/kg + spray of metalaxyl 8% + mancozeb 64% @1g/l and seed treatment with metalaxyl @5g/kg + soil application with Trichoderma viride @2.5 kg/ha + spray of trifloxystrobin 25% + tebuconazole 50% @0.5g/l both were registered minimum downy mildew disease intensity.