Amandeep Sharma, Mohit Singh, M.K. Rana, Pooja, Ridhima Arya, Nimit Kumar,Abhivyakti,Manmohan Mittal and Pooja Rani
Paddy straw is one of the organic materials and natural residues obtained from the paddy crop. It is thethird largest crop remanantobtained from the agriculture after sugarcane bagasse and maize straw. Storageof the surplus paddy straw, removal of entire straw from the field and very little time between the cultivationof the next crop are the major issues associated with paddy straw. Thus, stubble burning is a quickest,cheapest and easiest way to prepare field for the next crop. Burning of paddy straw results in extensiveimpact on both on and off farm, e.g., killing of useful microflora and fauna of the soil, losses of soil organicmatter and contribution to harmful greenhouse gases including their harmful effects on human and animalhealth. Therefore, paddy straw burning is a major issue of environmental pollution also. Hence, need of thehour is to provide environment friendly alternatives to paddy straw instead of burning in open field.Paddy straw can be used as a source of energy, mulching material, biofuel, industrial raw material, fodderfor animals, etc.