J. Ramalakshmana, M. Eswara Lakshmi Kumari, Ch. Murali Krishna and S.B. Padal
In the present investigation, an attempt was made to study the tree diversity, composition and structure oftwo sacred groves, Alluri Sitarama Raju District, which comes under the Eastern Ghats of India. Anogeissuslatifolia was the most common tree in the Gudem Sacred Groves, followed by Lannea coromandelica, Tamarindusindica, and Xylia xylocarpa. A total of 55 species, 45 genera, and 26 families were reported from the DaralammaSacred Grove. Garuga pinnata was the dominating tree, and Protium serratum, Bridelia airy-shawii, and Mallotusphilippensis were also dominant trees. Proper education should be provided to the people addressing aboutthe need for conserving sacred groves.